
The SoundsTasty crew consists of a few nerdy audiophiles. We work in various industries and think about acoustics in different ways but we love music and food.

Meet the Team…


I’m Victoria. I’m an acoustic engineer and a big time foodie. When I am not working, playing music or video games, I am out exploring new restaurants and coffee shops with friends. I am constantly critically listening to my surroundings which is both a curse and a blessing. Sensory evaluation is a big passion of mine and I want to explore things that sound tasty!


I’m Keenan. I work in architectural acoustics and listening room design, and I am always listening to the sounds around me. I grew up in a family full of cooks, and though I grew up mostly EATING the awesome food cooked by my family, now I enjoy COOKING just as much! Along with that, of course, comes listening and taking note of what makes food sound so dang tasty.


I’m Brian, and I’m not a pug. I currently live in Tokyo with my wife and baby, and work in WordPress marketing at Kinsta. In the past, I worked as an electronic music designer for Broadway shows and other large productions around the world. When I’m not working, I enjoy blogging, podcasting, coding, taking photos, playing the piano, and testing new headphones. Like Victoria and Keenan, I also spend a significant amount of time and energy eating food.

This blog contains fun and educational reviews of academic papers and other nerdy things related to the acoustics of food. 😎 If you have any topics you’d like us to review, feel free to send us an email!